Defying the Odds -Diary of My Body Post

Here is the link to my post on Diary of My Body:

I love to read other blogs, especially blogs that inspire me.  I can across Diary of My Body site a short time ago.  It is a writing collective that provides a platform for women to connect, share, and exchange stories about life, love, and the struggles and challenges of living in our body.  The site says the goal is to create a book of prose by women, for women, about the many battles, blessings, lessons, triumphs, and failures of loving our body in a society with such ridged standards of beauty.

I read more about the mission and then continued to read some of the stories women shared on the site.   The stories were funny, courageous, sometimes sad, but always real.  When I read a post “What is Diary of My Body-A Mission Statement”, I knew I wanted to be a part of this.

I wrote my story and submitted it to the site and yesterday they posted my story.  I wanted to share this site and my story with you here today. I would encourage everyone to take a moment and check out the site. If you are a woman writer, you might consider submitting your own story.  Just click on the “Our Mission” link at the top for instructions.

read to be read at

10 responses

  1. Oh, that Maxine! She makes me laugh!

    I’m going to have to check this site out further. I’ve written several things about my struggle with body image. I enjoyed your contribution to it today.

    And by the way, you really ARE a smart writer! 🙂


    1. I thought it was a pretty creative way to use one blog for two goals. 🙂


  2. Thanks Cathy. I agree you are a SMART writer and a very strong woman, one to be admired. God bless.


    1. Thanks so much


  3. Thank you for the follow. 🙂


  4. Sounds like a great idea for a site! I shall check it out.


  5. Maxine got me at the start and then I went over to your post on Diary of My Body and you hooked me. Thanks 🙂


    1. Thank you. 🙂


  6. Beautifully transparent! Thank you for sharing your journey and for sharing that website.


  7. Love the message behind this site! Off to check out the site and your post now 🙂


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